Why? Attend Demuxed
No paid content, ever.
Speakers are selected by a committee of engineers that work across the industry so the talks are picked based on the submission, not how much money a company paid; we will never, ever sell a speaking slot. Attendee information isn't for sale either, and that includes any sponsors. Read more about the submission review process.
We want anyone in the industry to be able to come, which means keeping tickets reasonably priced (thanks largely to our generous sponsors). We also offer free and discounted tickets to students and open source contributors, so please reach out if you're interested.
For everyone in the community.
Our community is dedicated to providing an inclusive, enjoyable experience for everyone in the video industry. In this pursuit, and in keeping with our love for reasonable standards, we adopted the Ada Initiative's Conf Code of Conduct.

38 Amazing speakers
The “technical” in technical project management
Talk Overview -
AV1 at Netflix (joint talk)
Talk Overview -
SMPTE ST 2110 - Highest Quality, Lowest Latency, Pro Video over IP
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Doing Server-Side Ad Insertion on Live Sports for 25.3M Concurrent Users
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Analyzing Video Metrics like Richard Feynman
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Non-Standard Codecs With Standard WebRTC
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Building an automated testing suite: How to gain confidence that your release will not break playback for any platform/player/OS/format combination (joint talk)
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HEVC Upload Experiments
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The magic of Human Visual System perception
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Japanese Captions
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A paradigm shift in codec standards: MPEG-5 Part 2 LCEVC, higher quality with any codec, maintaining decoder compatibility
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Adventures with VP9 (joint talk)
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LiTr (LinkedIn Transformer) - and open source library to transcode and modify video on Android
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The do's and don'ts about Streaming security - Confessions from a signal hacking expert
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Building an automated testing suite: How to gain confidence that your release will not break playback for any platform/player/OS/format combination (joint talk)
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Amazon Web Services
Designing for Live Stream Failure with Seamless Switching (joint talk)
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Apple Low-Latency HLS Update
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Large-Scale Media Archive Migration to the Cloud
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Edge Compute
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AV1 at Netflix (joint talk)
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There and back again: reinventing UDP streaming with QUIC
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M2A Media
The challenges of deploying Apple's Low Latency HLS In Real Life
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A Stateless Service for Audio Processing
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Super Resolution: The scaler of tomorrow, here today!
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Objectionable Uses of Objective Quality Metrics
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Amber Video
Is now the time to solve the deepfake threat?
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Unified Streaming
CMAF and DASH-IF Live ingest protocol
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Modeling the conceptual structure of FFmpeg in JavaScript
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Reinforcement learning for ABR
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RTMP: web video innovation or Web 1.0 hack… how did we get to now?
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A/B user testing when your CDN cache messes with your results
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Amazon Web Services
Designing for Live Stream Failure with Seamless Switching (joint talk)
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JavaScript? In *my* native video app's core streaming library? It's more likely than you think.
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QoE Impact from Router Buffer sizing and Active Queue Management
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Edge Transcoding
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Three Roads to Jerusalem
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Scalable Per-User Ad Insertion in Live OTT
Talk Overview -
Adventures with VP9 (joint talk)
Talk Overview

Demuxed Schedule
Our Schedule
We take our talk selection and schedule-building process very seriously. This year we received over 150 talk submissions, and 29 individuals from across the online video industry reviewed those (anonymized) submissions for a total of over 2900 reviews. A smaller group from that committee then took those aggregated reviews and helped pick the very best schedule possible, optimizing for talks that are relevant, interesting, and diverse.
Keep in mind, the individual session times and their order are subject to change, so make sure to check back here for any updates.
indicates a 10 minute talk.
October 23rd, 2019 Morning -
8.30am – 9.45am
8.30am – 9.30am
Women's Breakfast
A networking event for all attendees who identify as women. Sponsored by Women in Streaming Media. RSVP here!
9.45am – 10.00am
Opening Remarks
10.00am – 10.25am
Roderick Hodgson
10.25am – 10.50am
Nick Chadwick
10.50am – 11.00am
11.00am – 11.15am
11.15am – 11.40am
11.40am – 11.50am
Christopher Kennedy
11.50am – 12.15pm
Richard Fliam
12.15pm – 12.25pm
12.25pm – 1.45pm
1.45pm – 2.10pm
Konstantin Wilms
2.10pm – 2.20pm
Chris Ellsworth
2.20pm – 2.45pm
Zachary Cava
2.45pm – 3.10pm
3.10pm – 3.25pm
3.25pm – 3.50pm
Charles Sonigo & Jean-Baptiste Louazel
3.50pm – 4.00pm
Kyle Boutette
4.00pm – 4.25pm
John Saxton & Shawn Przybilla
4.25pm – 4.50pm
Sebastiaan Van Leuven
A/B user testing when your CDN cache messes with your results
4.50pm – 5.05pm
5.05pm – 5.30pm
Alexandria Shealy
5.30pm – 5.55pm
Andrey Norkin & Liwei Guo
5.55pm – 6.20pm
Sahil Budhiraja
6.20pm – 6.35pm
Josh Tidsbury

October 24th, 2019 Morning -
10.00am – 10.25am
Marina Kalkanis
The challenges of deploying Apple's Low Latency HLS In Real Life
10.25am – 10.35am
Ben Dodson
10.35am – 11.00am
Michael Hill
11.00am – 11.10am
Bryan Meissner
11.10am – 11.25am
11.25am – 11.50am
Ty Bekiares
11.50am – 12.15pm
Rufael Mekuria
12.15pm – 12.25pm
Gary Katsevman
12.50pm – 2.00pm
2.00pm – 2.40pm
Lightning Talks
2.40pm – 3.05pm
3.05pm – 3.30pm
3.30pm – 3.40pm
3.40pm – 4.05pm
4.05pm – 4.30pm
4.30pm – 4.40pm
4.40pm – 4.55pm
4.55pm – 5.20pm
5.20pm – 5.30pm
Haixia Shi & Zen Xu
5.30pm – 5.55pm
Will law
5.55pm – 6.10pm
Closing Remarks
After party!
This year's after party kicks off at 6pm Thursday right at the conference venue. Space is limited, so as much as we'd love for friends and colleagues to join us, please keep hold of your badge for the evening.
Venue & location
The Midway, SF
The Midway is a new, multifaceted creative complex, located in San Francisco’s burgeoning Dogpatch neighborhood. Equal parts creative laboratory and performance space, The Midway is a sprawling 40,000 square-foot venue for the public to engage with a variety of exhibitions, workshops, performances and special events. Housing art, food, music & emerging technologies under one synergistic and collaborative roof, The Midway is the perfect place for San Francisco’s creative communities to collide.

About Demuxed
Demuxed is simply engineers talking about video technology. After years of chatting about video at the SF Video Technology Meetup, we decided it was time for an engineer-first event with quality technical talks about video. Our focus has traditionally been on content delivered over the web, but topics cover anything from encoding to playback and more!
Yeah but who are you?
Most of the organization and work behind the scenes is done by folks from Mux (Demuxed came first ☝️) but none of this would be possible without amazing people from the meetup.
Every year we get a group together that's kind enough to do things like schedule planning, help brainstorm cool swag, and, most importantly, argue heatedly over which talk submissions should make the final cut.